Concerning secret societies

The amount of exposure in recent years seems to be a bit unreal to me. These societies are...well...secret, so anybody that makes this connection knows that it all doesn't add up. In this day, it is harder and harder to keep an influential society under wraps. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Right? Since the Illuminati and Masons and countless other groups (related and otherwise) have gotten media exposure, they knew how to exercise their power by controlling what was said. That's right, I am suggesting there is a conspiracy behind keeping the conspiracy secret. These groups have total control over all news media in the nation (maybe the world?) and they have even gotten a Mr. Dan Brown to write about them. When I say this, I mean they have these puppets mislead people. This is a very disappointing thing for me because we rely on news sources to keep us updated on happenings around us. The news that we receive may most likely be edited, so that we may never be informed truthfully. Maybe I'm all wrong and they've tricked me into posting this to keep us off their trail, or maybe I'm spot on. Either prospect is equally grim.
Anybody have thoughts on this subject?
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